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Friday, 28 April 2023

Vultures From Within

Vulture perching on a tree stump in front of a castle
Image credit: Pixabay

No one leads,
No structure or strategy,
Voices from all around,
Reasonable voices can't be heard or sort,
No one listening,
All are talking and loudly; 

No one believes no one,
Everyone is a fighter or a leader or a spokesperson;
Everyone strive to shout louder than everyone,
The loudest get the jeep, the house and the bloody money;

The violent get their belly filled,
The gentle go hungry or forced to join the violent;
The fight is mostly from within,
Instigated by the controller from without,
Fighting for the $billions in the bush,
Wasting the $millions in hand;

Lies, deceit, avarice, covetousness blighting the true fight,
Ijaw sons and daughters stealing from the Ijaw present and unborn, 
Putting all the blames on the controller yet doing his bidding;

How powerful, how smart is the controller?
How long will the foreigner remain the controller, manipulator, and user?
The life of Ijaw youth is worth less than a barrel of oil,
Traded for bloody money lining the vultures' wallets,
The vultures from within are the fattest;

It should not be a bloody battle or bloody revolution,
It should be a bloodless battle, an ethical revolution,
A renewing of the vultures' mind,
To find new ways of thinking,
And embrace new ways to engage and re-engage;

Eschew the empty rhetoric and phantom war cries of the vultures from within,
The vulture knows no loyalty, honour or allegiance,
Be careful not to be blinded by his $dollars my young folks,
The vulture, a lazy scavenger only waits to feed on the carcass of the lion's kill,
The vultures from within are the fattest, loudest but the weakest,
They thrive on servitude, sabotage and perfidy.

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