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Showing posts with label cobalt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cobalt. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

God Is Broke: Money, Nigerians And God

Image credit: Pixabay

For the Nigerian, there is God o, they would wail when things go wrong. Yes, but it's usually money first, themselves and then God. When a Nigerian arrives, meaning when they stumble upon money regardless of whether it's legit or illegit, they beat their chest and boast about how smart and/or hardworking they have been. It's their power, hard work or cunning skills. More often than not they take the credit and God comes last as they gloat. 

But then they are put to the test, like health challenges, career challenges, loss of business or jobs, financial misfortune, death of loved ones etc., God immediately come to mind and the first mention of God goes like this: God, why me, why now and what did I do to deserve this? There is God O becomes God, if you exist, God, where are you at this time of need?  What they know not how to do is self-examination, soul-searching sort of. 

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Why Is Africa So Attractive, Yet So Poor?

 Why is Africa so attractive, yet so poor? - Prof. PLO Lumumba. 

This question, I believe lingers on the mind of millions of  well meaning Africans all over the world. I do not only think about this question, I do worry about it. I do worry because Africa lacks internal fitness in my opinion; it means that Africa is easily vulnerable to external negative influence. But most worrying is Africa's susceptibility to external exploitation which is made possible by the involvement of rogue and corrupt state and non-state African collaborators. Slavery was sustained by internal collaborators so much as they continue to collaborate with imperialist exploitation of the continent.

Africa is down on it's knees because the average African politician is an avaricious and corrupt loose cannon ball - aimless, selfish and very cheap to be purchased by any imperialist actor.