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Thursday, 27 April 2023

Why Is Africa So Attractive, Yet So Poor? Pt 2

Why Africa is attractive

Why is Africa so attractive yet so poor? 

I did a cursory search with the term "Africa" and what got thrown up were not unfamiliar - animals, shanties, dirty town roads, looks of pain in the eyes of women and children; a general portrayal of penury on the wealthiest continent in the world. Some might argue that these are wrong portrayals to make Africa look bad? The white man would not show the good parts of Africa, others may argue to defend the absolute failure that is modern Africa. So, how would you portray the continent as an African? Your view may not be in line with mine but you certainly have one which fits the vision of the Africa you desire. 

So, what is it that is so attractive about Africa to the imperialists and foreign economic mercenaries who force their ways into the continent for the sole criminal purpose to plunder and commit grand larceny of the wealth under our feet. Why have we ignored what attracts outsiders while we depend on these external freebooters for handouts? Here is the interesting part; these invading picaroons have their traitorous gate keepers (maiguards in Nigerian parlance) and mules, most of whom are politicians, business people, academics and local chieftains, 

Africa is the wealthiest continent God created and then handed it over to his lazy and unproductive but prodigal creation - the African species of the human family. Did God make an unlikely error? Nah! God's intentions cannot be faulted. After all good and bad are in the man and as a man thinketh so is he. The African is simply a revolting, disobedient creation of God - those who use religion to divide the country must know this and understand that the intention of God is for all of his creation to live in harmony and with reasonable contentment. African leaders must know and understand that the peace, security and a future prosperous Africa are in the hands of Africans.

This is the time for Africans to begin to look inside and stop the habit of waiting for Europe, America and lately China to dictate the tune. Africa and Africans must be free in an independent Africa, period. When Nigeria cuts free from the choke hold of it's political criminals, the rest of sub-Sahara Africa will follow and enjoy deserved economic freedom and reasonable peace.

It is only the African who depends on the outsider for help and comfort. They fight with their neighbours to protect the activities of economic plunderers in order to gain recognition and financial favour. It is only the African who destroys his home and run to take refuge in another man's home as a beggar. It only takes the African to stoop to the level of servitude voluntarily in China, Canada, Europe and America for financial gains and cheap comfort provided by their perceived superior masters. It only takes Africans to continue to reject who they are by running away from their challenges to develop the continent. 

It is the African who digs up the road rather than build it. It is the African who steal and smuggle out their own crude oil to far away destinations of their collaborating economic mercenaries to be refined rather than build or maintain their own refineries. It is the African who profit from the construction of sub standard roads, schools, homes and commercial buildings which randomly collapses with avoidable fatalities. It is the African who empties the commonwealth coffers and run abroad to buy homes in Europe and America with their children in schools there. In Nigeria professors are now regular and seasonal employees of the electoral body (INEC) where political crooks with street level intellect pay and use them to rig elections.

It is the African who enslaves children as house boys and house girls. It is the 40 - 50 years old African man-less man who marries innocent female children as young as 10 - 13 years old and destroy their human essence thus rendering them as things - just dispensable things with expiry dates. 

It is the African who defecates in the river upstream for his neighbours who fetch water from the same river  downstream  for domestic use without a thought. It is the African who sold his kins men and women in their prime to Arab and European slave traders. Now, it is the African who are creating the harsh economic environment from where our bright, strong youths are fleeing to unfriendly and un-welcoming foreign lands. Some of these youths running away perish on their escape routes.

The African youth who escape from their natural homes to foreign lands are more often than not, treated as people who are a little more valuable than things - dispensable things. They face different levels of hardships, hopelessness and despair in these places.  It is the African youth who stand to pay the heavy price if we, at this moment in history, fail to rise above religious and tribal bigotry to begin the journey to a new Africa.

Please permit me to quote the honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan in a speech while addressing the African dependency problems to conclude. "Your problem is you think you need a handout. Everything you need is right under your foot but you are looking everywhere else for help instead of through yourself and what you can produce for yourself. This is Africa's dilemma; you are parading yourself before the world as international beggars when you gave civilisation to the world. Your problem is not America, your problem is not Israel, your problem is not Britain. Your problem is your disunity and your dependency on others to do for you what you could do for yourself.......the land is here, the sun is here, the minerals are here. You have some of the finest mines in the world but they are in Europe and America making money while Africa suffers. Why don't you create a politically stable environment and call the children of Africa back home to help build Africa"  

Let Africans begin to learn, discover, appreciate, harness and control the enormous wealth under their foot. It is time for Africans to begin to know the value and how attractive and wealthy the continent is. A bird in hand, they say, is worth a million in the bush but the African prefer to slaughter the bird in hand in pursuit of the million in the bush. The time is now to look inside in order to take stock of and harness our natural resources by ourselves and for ourselves and for the future of the African child.

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