For the Nigerian, there is God o, they would wail when things go wrong. Yes, but it's usually money first, themselves and then God. When a Nigerian arrives, meaning when they stumble upon money regardless of whether it's legit or illegit, they beat their chest and boast about how smart and/or hardworking they have been. It's their power, hard work or cunning skills. More often than not they take the credit and God comes last as they gloat.
But then they are put to the test, like health challenges, career challenges, loss of business or jobs, financial misfortune, death of loved ones etc., God immediately come to mind and the first mention of God goes like this: God, why me, why now and what did I do to deserve this? There is God O becomes God, if you exist, God, where are you at this time of need? What they know not how to do is self-examination, soul-searching sort of.
It's never their fault when things go wrong. Even the ones who stole from others and then lose their ill gotten fortunes do cry as much as those who earned their fortunes; as a matter of fact it's likely that those who amassed wealth by questionable means are the ones who are quickest in seeking spiritual answers as to the cause of their misfortune. They are too smart to lose out; something or someone must have done some spiritual hanky-panky against them.
In the midst of their trials and tribulations, they forget that the "the God on the mountain is the same God in the valley". However, they cannot be bothered; they must find out who is responsible and why God allowed it to happen to them. As they question God, they blame and curse Satan for their lifestyle debacles. It's never their fault; it's got to be the mischief of either the devil himself or their diabolical uncle in the village. God please, I'll not miss paying my tithe from now on please save me, they would pray.
Now they recognise and accept God; they need the wonderful immediate hands of God, not his grace because God's grace involves the exercise of patience which is not what the Nigerian is known for. The Nigerian wants it really urgently and now before friends and family notice the dwindling or collapsed fortunes. They have to act fast in order to keep their position on the social hierarchy. First they go to the pastor and, what the heck, the pastor is not a miracle working one for there are yet no signs of change in fortunes as anticipated.
They are desperate and their ego mind is on overdrive with all sorts of vain imaginations. They confides in their friend and she recommends her favourite miracle giving man of God but this time it's a prophet - no more time wasting with non performing pastors - and whoops they go running to receive their immediate miracle from the prophet. Again, no luck and on they shifts to an evangelist hoping to get a quicker results. When all fails with the pastors, evangelists, prophets and archangels, they pause and ponder, maybe it's time to give the the native doctor a good look and fair consideration.
My take is this; to my African kindreds, especially the Nigerian variety, I am sorry to inform you that God is broke, really broke because you were given everything from creation - the soil, the sun, the gold, silver, bauxite, uranium, crude oil, platinum, manganese, cotton and rich and abundant inland and marine aquatic resources. What about the wildlife? God gave you all of these more than was given to any others and you are still begging while you lay waste to your natural resources. You standby and watch while the criminals among you steal and give away your resources to imperialist economic mercenaries for pittance.
This is not the case with the Biblical prodigal son who took his share of the inheritance, left for a distant land, wasted all and went back home cutting a penitent figure. The loving father took him in and gave him more because the family fortune has not dissipated, thanks to his faithful younger sibling. Africa is luckier than the prodigal son because he had nothing but the benevolence of his loving father who still had more in the store to share. Had the prodigal son gone back home after the father had died leaving the remainder of his fortune to the younger sibling, the story would have been different and, perhaps, disastrous for him.
For Africa it is a different story; luck is on it's side because the wealth God gave to Africa from the time of creation are still available in abundance even as wasteful as they have been for centuries. This is why Africa is luckier than the prodigal son. Please pray for for love, empathy, service and creativity because God has nothing more than the natural resources to give - and it is important for the prayer warriors to understand this simple fact - this is the time for Africans to begin to self-organise in order to harness the abundant natural resources by working together effectively to achieve economic and political freedom.
The prodigal son had nothing left but for Africa, the vast wealth lying under their feet are still greater than any other continent can boast of, arguably.
To my African brothers and sister, especially the Nigerian, be warned; God is broke, really broke. The time is now to look inside and conjure up the spirit of creativity, productivity, wealth and prosperity. The future is now.
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