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Sunday, 16 April 2023

Why Is Africa So Attractive, Yet So Poor?

 Why is Africa so attractive, yet so poor? - Prof. PLO Lumumba. 

This question, I believe lingers on the mind of millions of  well meaning Africans all over the world. I do not only think about this question, I do worry about it. I do worry because Africa lacks internal fitness in my opinion; it means that Africa is easily vulnerable to external negative influence. But most worrying is Africa's susceptibility to external exploitation which is made possible by the involvement of rogue and corrupt state and non-state African collaborators. Slavery was sustained by internal collaborators so much as they continue to collaborate with imperialist exploitation of the continent.

Africa is down on it's knees because the average African politician is an avaricious and corrupt loose cannon ball - aimless, selfish and very cheap to be purchased by any imperialist actor. 

This speech was made in December 2019. The worst ever elections were held in Nigeria in February - March 2023. Just imagine what may have happened to deepen Africa's lack of development woes across the continent between 2019 and 2023. As at the time of writing Sudan's senseless internal fight is on going between the country's military and it's paramilitary forces. Reports by CNN put the death toll at "83 and at least 1,126 people injured" and counting. Fighting between Sudan military rivals enters a second day, with dozens dead | CNN. What are they fighting for?

Rwanda with all the promise as the face of a new and modern Africa has turned itself into a British asylum seekers colony. Perhaps it's a strategic move designed to raise foreign exchange to fund it's promotional contract with Arsenal Football Club. The optics does not help the Rwanda brand I suppose but for Africans the source of the money counts for very little. Signs of authoritarian behaviours by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda are emerging which is worrying.

The title of this post tells the story and it's not about any individual; it's about all Africans. Please be patient and listen to this great thinker and teacher, Prof. PLO Lumumba as he attempts to shine the light onto the darkness that has become modern Africa. Let us learn and work together in order to lift ourselves up above the basic level on the hierarchy of human needs. 

The great continent of Africa has historically been attacked, raped and mercilessly exploited by imperialist and uncompassionate capitalist economic mercenaries. Why has the merciless exploitation of Africa continued and getting worse? Perhaps, it is because the exploiters and their African collaborators have always gotten away with it - no consequences. It's worrying to think that if the current crop of brigands are allowed to continue to call the tune, then the exploitation will continue and the continent may eventually be forfeited to external creditors some day.

The time is now for Africans to stand against external aggressive economic exploitation. The is the time to bring about political decency, transparent and responsible internal economic policies as well as strengthen/build strong democratic, economic, health and educational institutions. The time is now to banish criminals and the least in our societies from our economic and political spaces. The future of Africa is now.

"Making Africa work is my subject" - Prof PLO Lumumba

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