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Thursday, 1 September 2022

Behind the Cloak of Chieftancy

Abonnema council of chiefs in 1895. Aboonema was founded in 1882
Founding members of the Abonnema Council of Chiefs

Note: This article was first published on 28/08/2011

Chieftaincy institutions will continue to evolve. More so in some communities in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria where the prerequisites for an individual's elevation to that erstwhile revered position has changed quite significantly recently. Recent key changes we are experiencing are not the type that strengthens a community because they occur in violation of the constitution of these communities with respect to the way individuals are accepted as members of the council of chiefs.

The chieftaincy institution is the most important one in the social and political life of these communities and its strength or weakness, therefore, reflects the fitness of the community. A community's fitness is its ability to create and manage positive change and/or its ability to withstand and manage changes that are not favourable to its long term survival.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Never Live in Fear My Daughter

A fearful and crying person's image
Credit: Pixabay

Step out and worry not of the dark,
be fearless, be brave, be of courage,
there's no such thing as fear,
in the mind that venture into the unknown;

What is fear after all?
if not the coward's tool of defence,
the fear-stricken is not safe when in hiding?
fear has not a shape any man has ever sighted,
except in the eyes of the retreating coward;

Be brave my sister for God is on thy side;
be valiant my brother for God is thy shield,
fear is unreal, a mere negative feeling,
which strikes the body when the mind is weakened,
it is a phantom that fools the stricken mind,
into inaction, retreat or collapse;

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Time is Now to Change Africa

Time to change in Africa
Image credit: Pixabay

Africans need to renew their minds in order to create much-needed change. Every African or anyone one connected to Africa and its people all around the world have the vision of an Africa which is free from poverty, diseases, ignorance, political oppression, economic inertia and the ills of imperialism.

Post-colonial Africa has existed for well over half a century but hasn't flourished in the modern era. Slavery, colonialism, wars, dictatorships and political violence, corruption, and economic mismanagement, have all played their roles in creating debilitating environments in which poverty, crime, and disease thrive. Religious mercenary and intolerance continue to play active roles in keeping Africa from real development. Tribal bigotry is a problem which needs to be tackled and the solution lies entirely on the ability of Africans to begin to foster different views of who they are and how they relate.

As the AIDS and HIV era fades into near oblivion Ebola surfaced and took West Africa hostage recently.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Ghana and Oil: Has Any Lesson Been Learned From Nigeria?

First published in December 2010

Image credit: Pixabay

Today Ghana has qualified as an oil-producing nation.  In my last post on the same subject, I stated the need for Ghana to take the development of local engineering skills content seriously if they are to avoid the mistakes which Nigeria made.  However, fears are being expressed that the whole process may have been rushed without adequate planning and preparation for the future. The oil and gas sector is huge and if well planned and managed revenue that will accrue over time has the potential of elevating Ghana to the same level as China, India, and Brazil.